Rabu, 21 September 2011

10 Toys For an Autistic Child

Have you considered a toy for autistic child? Regardless if a child has autism, another disability or not, all children love toys. Of course, no child is alike. Therefore, what may be enjoyed by one child may not hold the interest of another. Thus, the trick is to figure out which toys your autistic child will enjoy playing with, and will help them develop skills.

The following are 10 great toys for autistic children. The first 5 are suggestions are for children age 3-7 and the second 5 are for children age 8 - 12. Following each basic toy description is examples of where you can find them -

Minggu, 18 September 2011

Lamaze Baby Toys

Lamaze play things were created with specific objectives in mind. First of all, the toys are supposed to awaken the senses. These toys create noise or music to stimulate the babies' hearing as well as come in bright colours to stimulate the senses. The toys must also create a sense of exploration and experimentation in the child. Lastly, as the child grows older, the toy should also promote moving and doing. So as you can see, Lamaze toys are pretty unique and not many people know of the objectives that the makers of the toys try to create. But you can be rest assured that Lamaze toys are of good quality and are good educational toys for the baby.

Jumat, 16 September 2011

Toys Barn

The Moon Dough Barn is a toy that perfectly fits this description, which is why it will be one of the hottest toys this holiday season! Your kid will surely enjoy playing with the Moon Dough Barn because of how fun it is! Kids will definitely enjoy creating a barnyard of their own!
Now, based on your previous experience with other dough toys, you may think that the Moon Dough will not last for a long time.

Kamis, 15 September 2011

Toy Organizers

How do you organize your child's toys?  To select toy organization tools, you have to assess what your child has.  A toy hammock by Dream Baby may do the trick.  You can even get them in different colors, like this blue toy hammock.

If your child has a lot of small toys, or collections of toys with small pieces like Legos, then a toy bin organizer may be a good option.  These usually come with nine bins which allow your child to sort their toys into groups.  Some replace a few of the bins with a toy box, allowing you to put away large toys as well.  Many are in different character designs, which can help make putting away toys fun for your child.

Rabu, 14 September 2011

Wooden Toy Chests

If you are looking for a good type of storage for your children's toy consider the durability of a wooden toy chest. A wooden toy chest is a made of wood. For those who prefer darker colors they should opt for the cherry wood. There are many advantages to choosing this type of toy chest over a toy chest made out of other materials. Third there are ways to make the chest special such as have designs etched onto it or your child's name in neat lettering. Some popular designs that are often put on these toy chests are sports items like balls and bats, trains, teddy bears, ballet shoes or ribbons. Prices on a wood chest will vary depending upon where you purchase them and what size you purchase. You can find these types of toy chests at several sites online or at wood working specialty stores. Even if you pay some extra for shipping you will be happy you invested in a wooden toy chest for your child!

Pokemon Plush Toys

How can parents know which Pokemon plush toys their children are going to like? Ever have the problem of which Pokemon character to buy for your child for a gift? Probably the most recognizable Pokemon character is Pikachu. It has a yellow tail with black markings and is the most well known character. It has been in every movie, show and game. This is the one most adults think of when they hear about the Pokemon brand.
But, is this the character you should buy? All children have different tastes. The main character, Ash has one that often is seen wearing sunglasses.
The fire type, Charmander, looks like a small red dragon with a golden belly. The tail features a flame on the tip, and it is more popular with boys then with girls.

Selasa, 13 September 2011

Plan a Toy Dollhouse The Right Way

Dollhouses for girls are the most loved and desired toys by each little sister or daughter.

Educational toys stimulate children's curiosity and creativity and helps the development of new skills. Choosing the right toys the right time will enrich your child's play experience and will provide the foundation for learning. Besides being fun and attractive specific toys & games can be extremely useful in the development of a child. If chosen correctly quality toys can have the following effects: